Young Emirati man killed in Ras Al Khaimah road crash

Police say motorist failed to keep safe distance from lorry ahead and rammed into it

A young Emirati man has died after his car crashed into a lorry in Ras Al Khaimah on Thursday.

The emirate's police said the man, 21, was killed on the spot, and his brother was injured.

The accident took place a short distance from the exit towards Al Kharaan.

It was caused by a lack of safe distance, the force said.

“The lorry was in front of the car and no safe distance was kept between the vehicles,” a police statement said. "The car crashed into the lorry that was driven by an Asian resident."

Emergency crews, including traffic patrols and an ambulance, rushed to the accident site and took the dead man and his injured brother to hospital.

Updated: December 22, 2022, 2:10 PM