Somalia accuses Ethiopian troops of illegally crossing shared border

Tension rises between Addis Ababa and Mogadishu after agreement signed between Ethiopia and self-declared Republic of Somaliland

Somalia’s UN envoy accused Ethiopian troops on Monday of crossing the countries' shared border illegally and confronting local security forces.

Somalia reaffirms its commitment to respecting the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and good neighbourliness,” Abukar Osman told the 15-member Security Council.

“And we expect Ethiopia to do the same by reconsidering its memorandum of misadventure without any further delay.”

Mr Osman said that, because of Ethiopia’s “destabilising actions” in the wider region, Mogadishu has had to postpone from July to September the withdrawal of troops with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia.

Atmis is expected to conclude operations in the country on December 31 after 17 years in the country.

The force was initially deployed to expel Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Shabab from the Somali capital and to assist the internationally recognised federal government.

Operating under a UN mandate, the AU force aims to prevent a resurgence of Al Shabab and to train Somali security forces.

Tensions are escalating between Addis Ababa and Mogadishu, driven by a deal inked in January between Ethiopia and Somaliland, a self-proclaimed republic in northern Somalia.

Somaliland broke away from Somalia in 1991 but remains internationally unrecognised despite its claim to independence. It is in a strategic location close to the Gulf of Aden and the southern mouth of the Red Sea.

Ethiopia announced its formal recognition of the Republic of Somaliland in return for 20 kilometers of Red Sea coastline access for its naval forces, on a 50-year lease.

Following this, at Somalia's request, the Arab League held an emergency ministerial session, reaffirming that Somaliland remains an integral part of Somalia and unequivocally rejecting the January agreement.

The Arab League requested Algeria, as the only Arab member of the UN Security Council, to “mobilise necessary support to issue necessary resolutions affirming the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia”.

The acting special representative of the UN Secretary General, James Swan, expressed concern to the council about the agreement, which he said has “created tensions in the Horn of Africa at a time when the region faces other crises”.

“I recall that the Security Council has repeatedly affirmed respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of Somalia,” Mr Swan said.

“I encourage Somalia and Ethiopia to resolve this matter peacefully in accordance with these principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as enshrined in the United Nations Charter and international law.”

US deputy ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said Washington remains deeply concerned about political tension between Ethiopia and Somalia, and the negative effect it is having on shared security interests.

“We join the AU and other international partners in reiterating our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia," Mr Wood said. "Diplomatic dialogue is the way to de-escalate tensions, and the only way forward."

On June 6, the UN General Assembly elected Somalia as a non-permanent member of the Security Council for 2025-2026, representing the eastern Africa region.

Updated: June 24, 2024, 8:25 PM