UAE weather: Temperatures top 50°C but rain on the way

Threshold was crossed in Al Ain on Tuesday, national weather centre confirms

LATEST: UAE cuts Friday sermon to 10 minutes due to sweltering heat

Temperatures in the UAE on Tuesday exceeded 50°C as the country gears up for another scorching summer season.

The mercury rose to 50.3°C in Al Ain's Um Azimul area at 2pm, the National Centre of Meteorology said.

The threshold has been crossed earlier this year, compared with 2023 when temperatures first hit the 50°C mark on July 16.

Temperatures regularly approach 50°C during the summer months in the Emirates and across the Middle East.

Intense heat has baked the region in recent weeks. In Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and Jordan, residents have endured high temperatures, worsened by rolling power cuts.

Such heatwaves are becoming increasingly common around the globe due to the impact of climate change.

Other parts of the world are also being hit by gruelling heat, including India, the US and parts of Europe. The world just experienced its hottest May on record, according to the EU's climate change monitoring service.

Rain on the way

There will be some respite from the searing sunshine in parts of the country in the days to come.

Heavy rain is expected in Al Ain on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, according to the NCM's online weather map.

More rain is expected in Fujairah on both Saturday and Sunday.

The weather bureau said rain and thunder could be in store over Razeen and Al Quaa, desert areas on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi.

Staying safe in the sun

In the UAE, many people seek shelter from the heat inside air-conditioned public transport, offices and malls.

For those who have to work outside, the UAE enforced its annual mandatory break for outdoor workers on June 15.

During this time, outdoors work is prohibited between 12.30pm and 3pm, with this ban running until September 15.

This month, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation said 6,000 rest stations would be in place for delivery riders during the midday break.

The ministry said riders would be given interactive maps to help them locate the stations.

It marks a huge increase in the number of rest stations set up in the country, from only 356 in 2023.

Doctors have called on UAE residents and visitors to take precautions as temperatures climb.

“Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day and allow your body time to acclimatise to hot weather before engaging in strenuous activities,” Dr Karthikeyan Chinniah, consultant in emergency medicine at Lifecare Hospital in Mussaffah, Abu Dhabi, told The National last week.

“Wearing loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing and using sunscreen and sunglasses can also help protect against the sun,” he said.

“It is essential to consume enough water to stay sufficiently hydrated.”

Updated: June 26, 2024, 12:03 PM