Key Iraqi cabinet members defend security agreement

BAGHDAD // Two key members of Iraq's cabinet yesterday defended a proposed agreement to keep US troops in the country for three more years, warning that failure to approve the deal in parliament would hurt the economy and endanger vital oil revenues. Ali Baban, the planning minister, and Bayan Jabr, the finance minister, said during a news conference that rejection of the pact in the 275-seat legislature could cause security problems that would deter investors and stall reconstruction efforts.

The government of Nouri al Maliki, the prime minister, has struggled to rally broad support for the deal before a parliamentary vote on Wednesday, saying it is a better alternative to renewal of a UN mandate for the US troop presence that expires on Dec 31. Mr Maliki said the pact set a clear timetable for the withdrawal of US troops and placed them under strict Iraqi oversight. If the agreement doesn't pass, "there will be security problems that will have a negative impact on economic growth rates", Mr Baban said.

Yesterday, dozens of people gathered in Firdous Square in central Baghdad in a modest show of support for the pact. But opponents of the security agreement who are loyal to Muqtada al Sadr, the Shiite leader, put on a far more robust display on Friday, occupying the same square with about 20,000 demonstrators who demanded an immediate US withdrawal. Mr Jabr acknowledged that language pledging US protection for Iraqi assets could have been stronger. The assets are currently shielded by a UN Security Council resolution that expires at the end of the year. He said a new and "limited" UN resolution would be needed to protect the country's assets against judicial claims arising from actions dating to the era of Saddam Hussein's regime.

Under the agreement, the United States pledges to continue to protect Iraq's assets, held in two US-based, internationally supervised accounts. They are believed to hold more than $60 billion (Dh220bn). Revenues from Iraq's oil and gas exports, which account for at least 90 per cent of the country's income, are held in one of the two accounts, the so-called Development Fund for Iraq. The Iraqi government withdraws from that fund as required. It currently holds about $20 billion.

If Iraq heads into 2009 without the security agreement and the proposed UN resolution, Mr Jabr said, Iraq's US-based accounts would be left unprotected and they would likely be stripped by claimants armed with court rulings for billions of dollars in compensations. If that happens, he said, Iraq might have to fall back on the Saddam-era practise of selling oil outside legitimate market channels to deny claimants access to the proceeds. Saddam sold the oil illegally to circumvent a rigid regime of UN sanctions slapped on the country for invading Kuwait in 1990.

The sanctions were lifted soon after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. On Thursday, Abdul Qader al Obeidi, the Iraqi defence minister, warned that Iraq could risk internal and foreign attacks as well as piracy in the Gulf if US forces abruptly pulled out. The security pact emerged from nine months of tough talks between US and Iraqi negotiators, and the Iraqi cabinet approved it a week ago on the grounds that it provided a clear timetable for the withdrawal of US forces after more than five years of war. But many Iraqis see the pact as prolonging what they describe as a US occupation, even if some believe it is necessary to help Iraq's nascent security forces fight an insurgency that has suffered severe setbacks but still carries out regular attacks.

The proposed pact calls for US troops to pull out of Iraqi cities by June 30 and to leave the country by Jan 1 2012. It places US forces under tight Iraqi oversight and bars them from using Iraqi territory for attacks on neighbouring countries. Mr Maliki has said he wanted the deal approved by consensus, and Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani, the country's most influential Shiite cleric, has indicated the pact will be acceptable only if it wins passage in the legislature by a big majority.

The government can muster just over 140 votes if it gets the support of all the legislators in parliament's main Shiite and Kurdish blocs, the key partners in Mr Maliki's coalition. That would be only a few votes above the simple majority threshold. Picking up the 44 seats of the government's Sunni Arab partners, the Iraqi Accordance Front, could give the government the emphatic margin of victory it seeks. But leaders of the bloc are making their approval conditional on reforms to give their minority community a bigger say in running the country. * Associated Press

The burning issue

The internal combustion engine is facing a watershed moment – major manufacturer Volvo is to stop producing petroleum-powered vehicles by 2021 and countries in Europe, including the UK, have vowed to ban their sale before 2040. The National takes a look at the story of one of the most successful technologies of the last 100 years and how it has impacted life in the UAE. 

Read part four: an affection for classic cars lives on

Read part three: the age of the electric vehicle begins

Read part one: how cars came to the UAE


Three trading apps to try

Sharad Nair recommends three investment apps for UAE residents:

  • For beginners or people who want to start investing with limited capital, Mr Nair suggests eToro. “The low fees and low minimum balance requirements make the platform more accessible,” he says. “The user interface is straightforward to understand and operate, while its social element may help ease beginners into the idea of investing money by looking to a virtual community.”
  • If you’re an experienced investor, and have $10,000 or more to invest, consider Saxo Bank. “Saxo Bank offers a more comprehensive trading platform with advanced features and insight for more experienced users. It offers a more personalised approach to opening and operating an account on their platform,” he says.
  • Finally, StashAway could work for those who want a hands-off approach to their investing. “It removes one of the biggest challenges for novice traders: picking the securities in their portfolio,” Mr Nair says. “A goal-based approach or view towards investing can help motivate residents who may usually shy away from investment platforms.”
How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

Which honey takes your fancy?

Al Ghaf Honey

The Al Ghaf tree is a local desert tree which bears the harsh summers with drought and high temperatures. From the rich flowers, bees that pollinate this tree can produce delicious red colour honey in June and July each year

Sidr Honey

The Sidr tree is an evergreen tree with long and strong forked branches. The blossom from this tree is called Yabyab, which provides rich food for bees to produce honey in October and November. This honey is the most expensive, but tastiest

Samar Honey

The Samar tree trunk, leaves and blossom contains Barm which is the secret of healing. You can enjoy the best types of honey from this tree every year in May and June. It is an historical witness to the life of the Emirati nation which represents the harsh desert and mountain environments

Company profile

Company name: Suraasa

Started: 2018

Founders: Rishabh Khanna, Ankit Khanna and Sahil Makker

Based: India, UAE and the UK

Industry: EdTech

Initial investment: More than $200,000 in seed funding


Director: Jay Roach

Stars: Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Margot Robbie 

Four out of five stars 

Profile of Whizkey

Date founded: 04 November 2017

Founders: Abdulaziz AlBlooshi and Harsh Hirani

Based: Dubai, UAE

Number of employees: 10

Sector: AI, software

Cashflow: Dh2.5 Million  

Funding stage: Series A

Company profile

Company: Verity

Date started: May 2021

Founders: Kamal Al-Samarrai, Dina Shoman and Omar Al Sharif

Based: Dubai

Sector: FinTech

Size: four team members

Stage: Intially bootstrapped but recently closed its first pre-seed round of $800,000

Investors: Wamda, VentureSouq, Beyond Capital and regional angel investors

Name: ARDH Collective
Based: Dubai
Founders: Alhaan Ahmed, Alyina Ahmed and Maximo Tettamanzi
Sector: Sustainability
Total funding: Self funded
Number of employees: 4
What is 'Soft Power'?

Soft power was first mentioned in 1990 by former US Defence Secretary Joseph Nye. 
He believed that there were alternative ways of cultivating support from other countries, instead of achieving goals using military strength. 
Soft power is, at its root, the ability to convince other states to do what you want without force. 
This is traditionally achieved by proving that you share morals and values.


Starring: Josh Hartnett, Saleka Shyamalan, Ariel Donaghue

Director: M Night Shyamalan

Rating: 3/5


Starring: Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton, Jenny Ortega

Director: Tim Burton

Rating: 3/5

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  Engine: 2-litre or 3-litre 4Motion all-wheel-drive Power: 250Nm (2-litre); 340 (3-litre) Torque: 450Nm Transmission: 8-speed automatic Starting price: From Dh212,000 On sale: Now

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