Iran invites world powers on tour of nuclear sites

Iran confirmed yesterday that it has invited world powers to tour its nuclear sites this month.

The invitation went to "the EU, the non-aligned movement and representatives from 5+1 countries", the foreign ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, said.

The "5+1" countries are the six world powers negotiating with Iran over its nuclear programme: the five permanent UN Security Council members - the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China - plus Germany.

A diplomat familiar with the contents of the four-paragraph invitation, dated December 27, told the Associated Press that it also was mailed to Russia, China, Egypt, the group of nonaligned nations at the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, Cuba, Arab League members at the IAEA, and Hungary, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency.

Iran would identify the invited countries at a later time, Mr Mehmanparast said.

The US spokeswoman for the US mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Jennifer Hall Godfrey, confirmed yesterday that the US - the harshest critic of Iran's nuclear programme - had not received an invitation.

The tour would be held ahead of talks set for later this month in Turkey, between Iran and the 5+1 nations, on whether there is common ground for more substantive talks about Iran's programme.

The visit to the nuclear enrichment facilities at Natanz and heavy water reactor at Arak has been scheduled for January 15 and 16, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's permanent ambassador to the IAEA, told an official Iranian government news agency (IRNA) yesterday.

The invitation shows the country's transparency and co-operation with IAEA, Mr Soltanieh and Mr Mehmanparast said. Iran insists its nuclear programme is designed to generate power, but the West suspects that it is a cover to build bombs.

The invitations have "once again shown the goodwill of our country regarding co-operation [with the IAEA] and [Iran's] peaceful nuclear activities," Mr Mehmanparast said yesterday .

The website of state-run television said the invitation was not among the Islamic Republic's obligations towards the IAEA.

Tehran and the 5+1 countries held talks in Geneva last month and agreed to meet again in Istanbul this month. The date of talks in Turkey has not yet been announced.

Mark Toner, the deputy US State Department spokesman, told Bloomberg on Monday that Iran's move could not draw international attention away from the core issues regarding its nuclear programme.

The tour "is not a substitute for Iran fulfilling its obligations to cooperate with the IAEA", he wrote in an email to the agency.

At his briefing, Mr Mehmanparast did not offer a clear answer to a question about whether an invitation had been extended to the US. The names of the countries and representatives to visit the nuclear facilities will be announced later, he said.

China and Hungary have so far been the only countries to acknowledge the receipt of the invitation. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters that his country had received an invitation and that China is looking forward to talks on Iran's nuclear programme in Istanbul.

Hungary was consulting with the EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, and EU member states about Tehran's proposal, the website of Hungary's foreign ministry said yesterday.

In 2006, Iran allowed six IAEA diplomats from developing countries to visit the Isfahan Uranium Conversion Facility (USF), which produces uranium hexafluoride to feed enriching centrifuges in Natanz.

The country has declared several nuclear facilities and sites in Natanz, Arak, Isfahan, Qom and Bandar Abbas to the IAEA and has a power plant in Bushehr that Iranian nuclear officials say will become operational next month.

World powers say they are concerned that Iran is secretly operating a military nuclear programme and the UN Security Council has imposed four sets of sanctions on the country. China, and to a lesser degree Russia, have acted to dilute harsh sanctions proposed by the US and its western allies on the Security Council, leading to compromise penalties enacted by the council that are milder than the West had originally hoped.

The outreach to Moscow and Beijing in Tehran's offer to visit appeared to be an attempt to leverage any differences between the eastern and western powers meeting the Iranians in Istanbul.

"The West has two options for interacting with Iran; either continue its previous policy or respect the rights of other nations," the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, told supporters during a visit yesterday to Semnan.

* With additional reporting by the Associated Press

Common OCD symptoms and how they manifest

Checking: the obsession or thoughts focus on some harm coming from things not being as they should, which usually centre around the theme of safety. For example, the obsession is “the building will burn down”, therefore the compulsion is checking that the oven is switched off.

Contamination: the obsession is focused on the presence of germs, dirt or harmful bacteria and how this will impact the person and/or their loved ones. For example, the obsession is “the floor is dirty; me and my family will get sick and die”, the compulsion is repetitive cleaning.

Orderliness: the obsession is a fear of sitting with uncomfortable feelings, or to prevent harm coming to oneself or others. Objectively there appears to be no logical link between the obsession and compulsion. For example,” I won’t feel right if the jars aren’t lined up” or “harm will come to my family if I don’t line up all the jars”, so the compulsion is therefore lining up the jars.

Intrusive thoughts: the intrusive thought is usually highly distressing and repetitive. Common examples may include thoughts of perpetrating violence towards others, harming others, or questions over one’s character or deeds, usually in conflict with the person’s true values. An example would be: “I think I might hurt my family”, which in turn leads to the compulsion of avoiding social gatherings.

Hoarding: the intrusive thought is the overvaluing of objects or possessions, while the compulsion is stashing or hoarding these items and refusing to let them go. For example, “this newspaper may come in useful one day”, therefore, the compulsion is hoarding newspapers instead of discarding them the next day.

Source: Dr Robert Chandler, clinical psychologist at Lighthouse Arabia

The burning issue

The internal combustion engine is facing a watershed moment – major manufacturer Volvo is to stop producing petroleum-powered vehicles by 2021 and countries in Europe, including the UK, have vowed to ban their sale before 2040. The National takes a look at the story of one of the most successful technologies of the last 100 years and how it has impacted life in the UAE. 

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Read part two: how climate change drove the race for an alternative 

Electric scooters: some rules to remember
  • Riders must be 14-years-old or over
  • Wear a protective helmet
  • Park the electric scooter in designated parking lots (if any)
  • Do not leave electric scooter in locations that obstruct traffic or pedestrians
  • Solo riders only, no passengers allowed
  • Do not drive outside designated lanes