Three on trial for ‘sending money to Hizbollah’

Three men invested money for Hizbollah through a group they established in the UAE, the Federal Supreme Court heard on Monday.

A A K, 66 and A I K, 30 both from Lebanon, and S N G, 62, a Canadian, are on trial for establishing a group related to Hizbollah without the authorities’ approval.

A witness from State Security told the court the group have been collecting information of interest to the organisation.

“They provided the group with information on businesses, information on the country and other relevant information on the UAE’s relationship with Iran,” the witness told the court.

“They’ve also sent money and collected funds for the group in the UAE,” the witness added.

The lawyers for the defendants argued that the information collected was widely available and does not signify any wrongdoing.

The witness told the court that the intentions of the accused were apparent according to the state security’s investigations.

The Canadian Ambassador attended the hearing alongside families of the accused.

The case was adjourned to March 14.

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