New rules for shisha cafes explained

Ten facts about the new rules:

1) The rules come into effect from February 1.

2) All shisha cafes, except those who have applied for a special licence, will be banned from operating within 150 metres of residential areas, schools and mosques.

3) Shisha cafes must open from 10am to 12am.

4) The area occupied by each individual smoker must be at least two square metres5) Shisha cafes should be no smaller than 200 square metres.

6) Restaurants offering shisha must ensure these rooms are separate from non-smoking areas, with a minimum ceiling height of 3 metres.

7) Cafes must have a sign at the front stating that customers younger than 18 are banned.

8) Those who break the law will face fines of up to Dh1 million, two years in jail and their businesses will be closed.

9) The regulations fall under Federal Law No (15) of 2009 on tobacco control.

10) When the ban was announced about 90 per cent of the emirate’s shisha cafes were located in densely populated areas, according to the Department of Economic Development.