#CycletoWorkUAE 2016 Ambassador: Dr Florian Roser - video

Today’s #CycletoWorkUAE2016 ambassador is Dr Florian Roser, neurosurgeon, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Join us on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, for #CycletoWorkUAE!

For more information, visit thenational.ae/cycletoworkuae

US tops drug cost charts

The study of 13 essential drugs showed costs in the United States were about 300 per cent higher than the global average, followed by Germany at 126 per cent and 122 per cent in the UAE.

Thailand, Kenya and Malaysia were rated as nations with the lowest costs, about 90 per cent cheaper.

In the case of insulin, diabetic patients in the US paid five and a half times the global average, while in the UAE the costs are about 50 per cent higher than the median price of branded and generic drugs.

Some of the costliest drugs worldwide include Lipitor for high cholesterol. 

The study’s price index placed the US at an exorbitant 2,170 per cent higher for Lipitor than the average global price and the UAE at the eighth spot globally with costs 252 per cent higher.

High blood pressure medication Zestril was also more than 2,680 per cent higher in the US and the UAE price was 187 per cent higher than the global price.