Thousands of fake bags shredded as part of clampdown on counterfeit goods

DUBAI // More than 5,000 counterfeit designer bags have been shredded since the start of Ramadan as part of a campaign encouraging the public not to buy fake products.

Officials from the Department of Economic Development (DED) have been destroying the fakes at Etihad Mall in Abu Dhabi during the holy month to raise people’s awareness about the need to reject illegal copies of goods.

The campaign has now moved to Al Barsha Mall in Dubai where, after making a donation of as little as Dh1 to the Dar Al Ber Society, people can choose a fake before dropping it into a shredder.

“The public should be aware of the health hazards of counterfeit bags and perfumes as these things stay in close contact with the human skin,” said Ibrahim Behzad, senior manager at Intellectual Property Rights Protection Section at DED.

“Falling prey to the lure of cheap prices and buying counterfeit products could result in unforeseen damage and loss.”

According to the DED, 11,623,073 items of counterfeit goods were confiscated by inspectors in the first quarter of this year. Bags and leather products made up the third biggest share of goods confiscated along with perfumes and auto parts.

The initiative runs from 3pm to 5pm each day until Thursday, July 17 at Al Barsha Mall.

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6.30pm: Baniyas (PA) Group 2 Dh195,000 1,400m | Winner: ES Ajeeb, Sam Hitchcock (jockey), Ibrahim Aseel (trainer)

7.05pm: Maiden (TB) Dh165,000 1,400m | Winner: Al Shamkhah, Royston Ffrench, Sandeep Jadhav

7.40pm: Handicap (TB) Dh190,000 1,200m | Winner: Lavaspin, Richard Mullen, Satish Seemar

8.15pm: Maiden (TB) Dh165,000 1,200m | Winner: Kawasir, Dane O’Neill, Musabah Al Muhairi

8.50pm: Rated Conditions (TB) Dh240,000 1,600m | Winner: Cosmo Charlie, Pat Dobbs, Doug Watson

9.20pm: Handicap (TB) Dh165,000 1,400m | Winner: Bochart, Richard Mullen, Satish Seemar

10pm: Handicap (TB) Dh175,000 2,000m | Winner: Quartier Francais, Fernando Jara, Ali Rashid Al Raihe


The Cairo Statement

 1: Commit to countering all types of terrorism and extremism in all their manifestations

2: Denounce violence and the rhetoric of hatred

3: Adhere to the full compliance with the Riyadh accord of 2014 and the subsequent meeting and executive procedures approved in 2014 by the GCC  

4: Comply with all recommendations of the Summit between the US and Muslim countries held in May 2017 in Saudi Arabia.

5: Refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of countries and of supporting rogue entities.

6: Carry out the responsibility of all the countries with the international community to counter all manifestations of extremism and terrorism that threaten international peace and security




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