Adec puts burden of graduation costs on schools

ABU DHABI // Parents are applauding Abu Dhabi Education Council’s decision to order private schools to cover the cost of graduation ceremonies, as opposed to burdening parents with the often lavish expenses.

The announcement, made through Adec’s offices in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region, said graduation ceremonies should be held on school property or other government-owned entities with proper permits obtained.

Should a school wish to hold a graduation in a hotel, the administration will be required to bear the costs without incurring any financial burdens upon parents. All private schools in the Abu Dhabi emirate are to comply.

“I heard rumours last year of one of the private schools charging Dh5,000 for graduation and it was compulsory because they wanted to do it in a hotel and have a buffet and everything,” said Amal Al Maamari, an Emirati mother of three students at the British International School.

Although her children’s school doesn’t charge parents extra fees for graduation ceremonies, Ms Al Maamari said she sympathised with parents whose children went to schools that forced them to cover the cost of graduation.

“I don’t think it’s fair to do something like that. If they want to do like a big graduation party, at least they should pay for it,” Ms Al Maamari said of the schools.

She also supported Adec’s suggestion to hold graduation ceremonies held on school premises to reduce costs.

“I prefer that because holding graduation parties at hotels is just some kind of marketing for the school and they make the parents pay for it, they don’t even bother paying for their marketing,” Ms Al Maamari said.

In May and June 2013, Adec received a number of complaints from parents who believed their childrens’ school exaggerated graduation costs, with some charging more than Dh5,000 per child.

The average cost per student was Dh1,500, whereas some schools asked parents to pay for caps and gowns at a cost of up to Dh800. Parents were also charged Dh500 for family members’ admission to the ceremony.

Fayeza Al Nahei, a 38-year-old Emirati mother of two students in Abu Dhabi, said parents are already paying enough to private schools that they should not be forced to pay even more for a party.

“The schools should pay for that because we already pay the school for everything, for the children, for the books, for the study, for everything,” said Ms Al Nahei.

Tightening the screw on rogue recruiters

The UAE overhauled the procedure to recruit housemaids and domestic workers with a law in 2017 to protect low-income labour from being exploited.

 Only recruitment companies authorised by the government are permitted as part of Tadbeer, a network of labour ministry-regulated centres.

A contract must be drawn up for domestic workers, the wages and job offer clearly stating the nature of work.

The contract stating the wages, work entailed and accommodation must be sent to the employee in their home country before they depart for the UAE.

The contract will be signed by the employer and employee when the domestic worker arrives in the UAE.

Only recruitment agencies registered with the ministry can undertake recruitment and employment applications for domestic workers.

Penalties for illegal recruitment in the UAE include fines of up to Dh100,000 and imprisonment

But agents not authorised by the government sidestep the law by illegally getting women into the country on visit visas.


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