Barber touched teen’s breast in lift, Dubai court told

DUBAI // A barber denied molesting a teenage girl in a lift as she arrived home from school.

Indian N O, 30, denied a sexual assault charge when he appeared at the Dubai Criminal Court.

On November 11 last year, Indian V S, 17, was returning home from school when she entered the lift in her building. N O joined the girl in the lift where he allegedly touched her breast.

The girl’s mother, A D, 55, testified that when V S returned home from school she was crying.

“Her father opened the door for her and she ran to me in my bedroom and told me what happened,” said A D, who asked the building’s security guard to show her CCTV camera footage.

She said she saw N O follow her daughter into the lift, after which A D called police.

During questioning, prosecutors said N O told them he did not live or work at the building, nor did he know any of its tenants. They claimed N O went there with the intention of carrying out the assault after seeing the girl.

A verdict is expected on February 8.


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