Readers admire the efforts of desert trekkers Alastair Humphreys and Leon McCarron in recreating one of the journeys of the late British adventurer Wilfred Thesiger. John Henzell / The National
Readers admire the efforts of desert trekkers Alastair Humphreys and Leon McCarron in recreating one of the journeys of the late British adventurer Wilfred Thesiger. John Henzell / The National

Journey into history

I was interested to read about the return of the "expat package" (Bonuses are back - but this time the lid stays on, December 10).

It seems to me that, in good times or bad, it is better for businesses to offer bonuses rather than fixed wages and perks.

While a certain guaranteed salary is necessary to attract the right candidates, their further remuneration should be contingent on their performance.

This works well for both the employer and the employee. Put simply: do a good job and the sky's the limit.

However, earning a bonus should never be a foregone conclusion. For example, we were all appalled to learn that many British bankers were still getting bonuses after their businesses had been bailed out by the government following the most recent financial crisis.

As my father used to say, we all deserve a good day's pay for a good day's work.

Ian Dunn, Abu Dhabi

Traffic diversion needs a rethink

I am writing in response to the letter Tunnel criticisms not warranted (December 10).

Since the opening of Abu Dhabi's Sheikh Zayed Tunnel, it has taken me almost twice as long as usual to get to work.

The tunnel provides no help for motorists who wish to access the Sheikh Zayed Bridge from any other outbound areas not originating from the Corniche or Mina Zayed, which includes all the streets in the Tourist Club area.

All surface traffic still travels via Salam Street but now the traffic coming from 11th Street (Defence Road) is diverted to the signal at the Sea Palace intersection.

This reconfiguration has now caused more congestion than we experienced before the tunnel was open, and is working against the goal of keeping traffic moving.

There seems to be no reason for diverting the traffic coming from Defence Road instead of allowing it to merge directly onto Salam Street as it did previously.

I believe the red cones should be removed, allowing vehicles to merge onto Salam Street without having to stop for an unnecessary signal.

Cora Yanacek, Abu Dhabi

Acknowledging a spirit of adventure

I admire Alastair Humphreys and Leon McCarron's physical efforts and their flexibility in exchanging a planned expedition to the South Pole for a trek across the Oman desert (The unexpected adventure, December 10).

They also deserve credit for drawing attention to the pioneering adventures of Wilfred Thesiger back in the 1940s.

Charles Bryant, Abu Dhabi

I enjoyed this story, even though it did contain an error. Leon McCarron is from Northern Ireland and, therefore, he is not English as stated.

Those of us who are Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish are proud of being British but we get very upset by being called English.

Lucia Smith, Dubai

Thankful for the good life in UAE

After living 37 years in the UAE, I am going back to my home country within a few days.

I want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to late Sheikh Zayed and the current Rulers of this wonderful country, and its loving people, for giving me an opportunity to lead a peaceful and happy life.

I have witnessed the steady growth of this country over nearly four decades, and I am sure that it will grow further in the coming years under its wise leadership.

I will definitely miss this happy and peaceful place, but I am sure that the many sweet memories I have of the UAE will remain with me for the rest of my life.

KP Muhammad, Abu Dhabi

Assistance much better than in US

Aid to help needy families stand on own (December 10) says a couple with two children earning Dh15,700 a month or less will be eligible for government assistance.

I find it difficult to understand how a family of four earning the equivalent of $4,274 per month (or $51,288 a year) needs help from the government.

Most US families only dream of making $50,000 per year. Two parents, both working full time at US minimum wage, would earn $30,160 a year - before taxes.

L Mansell, US

Confusion over sale of alcohol

I am writing in reference to 'Raped' woman fined for drinking alcohol (December 6).

I think the Dubai authorities should make the liquor laws clear for all. In the time I have spent in the UAE I have seen a lot of people consuming alcohol.

What happens to outlets that sell liquor to people with no licences?

C Blackmore, Dubai