New Abu Dhabi TV station to create up to 50 jobs

A general-entertainment TV station is to be set up in Abu Dhabi, creating up to 50 jobs in the UAE capital.

The name of the new Arabic-language channel has not been disclosed by EMM, the digital media company behind the project.

The free-to-air channel, due to be broadcast from the twofour54 media zone, will be broadcast via satellite and online after its planned launch later this year.

It will initially employ up to 50 staff, according to EMM.

"It will create a number of new jobs for the industry, initially with 20 technical and operational staff and as many as 30 creative production personnel. These numbers are expected to grow as output increases over the first five years," EMM said in a statement.

"With an expected output of 650 hours of original multi-genre programming every year, the channel will contribute to the TV production value chain in Abu Dhabi, with production companies, content providers, freelancers and service providers expected to benefit," it added.

Nicholas Claxton, the chief executive of the company, said the channel will uphold "high production values".