The Jet Business has an app for cabin interiors. Courtesy The Jet Business
The Jet Business has an app for cabin interiors. Courtesy The Jet Business

Design your ideal cabin in 15 minutes

In The Jet Business's showroom in London's Mayfair sits a life-size cabin replica of an Airbus A319.

The company specialises in helping clients to choose the - mostly second-hand - private jet that best suits their needs and budget. Its first sales app demonstrated the attributes of a variety of business jet cabins in a full-sized replication.

Open now for a year, the company's founder and chief executive Steven Varsano delights in meeting the potential customers who drop into the showroom.

"Some of the clients could be arrogant, some could be funny, some could be unassuming, some come in with a giant entourage and some come in a shirt and shorts and they are worth billions," he says. "It's an incredible opportunity to meet the most successful entrepreneurs in the world from different cultures."

Mr Varsano was in Abu Dhabi last week for the Middle East Business Aviation show. He wanted to raise awareness about hs brand and launch a new cabin interiors app that allows clients to visualise a variety of business jet cabins, again in full-sized replication.

With the swoosh of a finger over an iPad screen, buyers are able to change the style of aircraft seats, as well as fabrics and finishes.

Instead of messing around with tiny swatches of fabric and going through a process up to three months to design the interior, the completion app shows you the end result in 15 minutes.

"I'm surprised it doesn't exist already," Mr Varsano said. "You can go buy almost any car online and see what the design looks like but you can't do it for a US$50 million (Dh183.6m) airplane."

Mr Varsano does not charge for the service despite it being a large investment. But he does hope it will help to sell planes. "It is an added-value service we are providing either to our client or to somebody else who wants to bring their client in."
