Justin Bieber's music video <i>Baby</i> is the most-watched on YouTube, with 270 million views.
Justin Bieber's music video <i>Baby</i> is the most-watched on YouTube, with 270 million views.

Memoirs of a teenage pop star

So, the teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber is all set to publish his memoirs. At the tender age of 16, Bieber has written an autobiography charting his swift rise from YouTube stardom to the top of the pop world. Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story will also feature exclusive, behind-the-scenes pictures guaranteed to get tweens everywhere saving up their pocket money for a copy. On sale from October, the memoirs will reportedly be dedicated to the star's fans.

Bieber said: "My fans have played such a large part in all of this and they help me live my dreams every day. I'm excited to share just a little bit more of my world with them through this book". Meanwhile, HarperCollins, the publishing house responsible for the memoirs, called Bieber "a force in the music industry". To the bewilderment of some, they aren't far wrong. Bieber's video for Baby is the most-watched music video in YouTube history, with more than 270 million views. That's an awful lot of screaming girls.

Of course, Bieber is not the first teenage star to write his memoirs. Miley Cyrus, the teenage-singing daughter of the one-hit wonder Billy Ray Cyrus, shot to fame as Disney's Hannah Montana. After launching a pop career, she co-wrote Miles to Go which was published in 2009. Miley was all of 16 at the time. In 2000, when Bieber was just six, Britney Spears published her autobiography Heart to Heart to celebrate her 21st birthday. Co-written with her mother, Lynne Spears, this part memoir, part self-help book reflected on her rise to stardom and the challenges facing mothers and daughters. A tell-all book detailing her head-shaving exploits since that innocent age might make for more of a page-turner, but who are we to dictate the literary forays of the stars?

Unlike Spears, whose future held volumes of tabloid-friendly material, plenty of flash-in-the-pan reality TV starlets have tried to write their way to an extra 15 minutes of fame. Gareth Gates, a runner-up in the British Pop Idol, managed to churn out an autobiography at 18. And of course, who can forget - or remember - the ventriloquist who won season two of America's Got Talent? After decades as an unknown county fair performer, Terry Fator shot to fame and recorded the tale of his struggle in Who's the Dummy Now?

Still, Bieber's life hasn't exactly been full of the sorts of trials we are accustomed to reading about in confessional memoirs. A self-taught musician from Stratford, Ontario, Bieber was raised by his mother in middle-class suburbia, before being plucked out of oblivion by a savvy manager who spotted him on YouTube. In short, his clean-cut image couldn't get any squeakier. It remains to be seen how many pages Bieber's 16 years will take to chronicle. Miley Cyrus's memoirs weighed in at 272 pages - although to be fair, if you break it down, that was only 17 pages for each year of her life. By way of comparison, the guitarist Slash took 480 pages to detail the hedonistic days of Guns n' Roses, and Ozzy Osbourne clocked up 416 pages in his autobiography, which also had its fair share of debauchery. Bieber is more likely to pet a bat than bite its head off.

Considering that his most serious addiction is to high-top trainers, it seems somewhat doubtful that First Step 2 Forever will be packed wih tales of rock 'n' roll rebellion. But surely the story behind lyrics like Eenie Meenie Minie Mo Lover requires at least 300 pages of explanation? Possibly not. Reports suggest that the book will be heavy on photos. It is also, astonishingly, to be made into a 3D movie, in which Beiber will star.

If you have already pre-ordered Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story, and are now wondering where to turn your tween attention next, fear not. Fellow squeaky clean star Taylor Swift has told Britain's OK! magazine that she is already keeping notes on "all the crazy stuff and the insane things I've gotten to do". She announced: "I will write my biography for sure." The future of pop autobiographies looks promising enough to keep 11-year-old girls screaming well into 2012.

US households add $601bn of debt in 2019

American households borrowed another $601 billion (Dh2.2bn) in 2019, the largest yearly gain since 2007, just before the global financial crisis, according to February data from the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

Fuelled by rising mortgage debt as homebuyers continued to take advantage of low interest rates, the increase last year brought total household debt to a record high, surpassing the previous peak reached in 2008 just before the market crash, according to the report.

Following the 22nd straight quarter of growth, American household debt swelled to $14.15 trillion by the end of 2019, the New York Fed said in its quarterly report.

In the final three months of the year, new home loans jumped to their highest volume since the fourth quarter of 2005, while credit cards and auto loans also added to the increase.

The bad debt load is taking its toll on some households, and the New York Fed warned that more and more credit card borrowers — particularly young people — were falling behind on their payments.

"Younger borrowers, who are disproportionately likely to have credit cards and student loans as their primary form of debt, struggle more than others with on-time repayment," New York Fed researchers said.

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  •  About one in five men and one in six women will develop cancer in their lifetime 
  • By 2040, global cancer cases are on track to reach 30 million 
  • 70 per cent of cancer deaths occur in low and middle-income countries 
  • This rate is expected to increase to 75 per cent by 2030 
  • At least one third of common cancers are preventable 
  • Genetic mutations play a role in 5 per cent to 10 per cent of cancers 
  • Up to 3.7 million lives could be saved annually by implementing the right health
  • The total annual economic cost of cancer is $1.16 trillion

