May meets Seth Green. Courtesy May Ali.
May meets Seth Green. Courtesy May Ali.

Comic Con 2014 – An experience not to be missed

Comic Con enthusiast May Ali shares her pictures and experience with us after an intense two days at this year’s Middle East Film and Comic Con.

What I’ve noticed this week is that nobody really ever grows up. From children to adults… everyone is into video games, comic books and toys. I’ve definitely enjoyed seeing people in their element when they cosplay!

The most exciting part was I got to meet Seth Green, Tom Root, Max Landis and other celebrities. I was super stoked so much so, that I almost passed out when I met Max Landis - he's the screenwriter for Chronicle, the best sci-fi in the world. The live Q&A sessions were just pure fun!

On day one I dressed as Silk Spectre. Watchmen is on Time's top 10 graphic novels. It's the best comic that has been written ever. Plus, I'm a massive Alan Moore fan. His work is great. Laurie in Watchmen is the 'modern' & liberal-thinking woman, much like myself. Love her.

On day two I wore a Captain America costume. This was to celebrate that Captain America premiered this weekend and I am a very big fan.

This was the biggest and best Comic Con ever and I can’t wait until next year’s.
