Alice by The Act – Dubai takes place on the 42nd floor of the Shangri-La. Courtesy The Act Dubai
Alice by The Act – Dubai takes place on the 42nd floor of the Shangri-La. Courtesy The Act Dubai

Alice at The Act – Dubai delivers great entertainment, with food to match

High above Dubai, on the 42nd floor of the Shangri-La, a man dressed as a playing card is shouting at his minions to “paint the roses quicker!”

Bemused and hungry diners look on awkwardly, while two other “playing cards” dab red paint on white flowers adorning the type of trellis usually seen in English country gardens.

“What if the queen comes this way?”, he bellows, before blowing into a bugle badly.

So begins a freefall down the rabbit hole to an evening of cabaret at The Act – Dubai inspired by Alice’s adventures in Wonderland that, while occasionally a little rough around the edges, is as charming as it is entertaining, and very often brilliant.

We’re led up a short flight of stairs to a bar area where a huge illuminated sign asks “What’s your poison?” and punters are introduced to a selection of appetisers, served on trays bellowing dry ice, of the quality that has made The Act’s menus rightly famous.

People begin to relax, guards are slowly let down, the laughing gets louder as drinks are enjoyed. And the show begins with a deliberately befuddling number of identical Alices running through the venue as a disturbing rabbit frets about being late.

A cast of characters from Carroll’s beloved tale then lead diners through to their tables.

Anyone familiar with The Act knows its reputation for “dinner and a show” in a venue which pays loving homage to old-school turn-of-last century theatre.

The director, designers and choreographers leverage the intimate venue to good effect with vignettes from Alice in Wonderland, punctuated by world-class entertainment – a juggling Cheshire Cat, dancers, a singing Red Queen, acrobatic Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and an amazing contortionist.

Throughout, serving-staff-cum-performers deliver the kind of award-winning fusion food that leaves a lasting impression and has people talking for weeks. Yes, the food is that good.

(Unfortunately, at one point either I was eating too slowly or things were move too quickly. The house lights went down to welcome the next “turn” and I was left trying to push my food on to a folk in the pitch dark.)

But what makes The Act unique - not a word to use lightly - is its success in delivering an epic night out, in a relaxed and informal setting, with impressive attention to detail, brought to people by friendly and welcoming staff who seem to be having as good a time as everyone else.

• Tickets for Alice, which runs Tuesday and Wednesday nights, are Dh495. Doors open 8.30pm. The Act – Dubai is located on the 42nd floor of the Shangri-La, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.

The National was a guest of the venue.
