The Somme Stations, Andrew Martin, Faber and Faber, Dh48
The Somme Stations, Andrew Martin, Faber and Faber, Dh48

The Somme Stations: Story never gets on track

Andrew Martin loves the railways. You can see it in each rivet-by-rivet description of a locomotive, the personification of cold iron that seems a character in itself.

The protagonist Jim Stringer, by contrast, is humble, seldom-spoken and in many ways reluctant to be part of the action at all. A railway detective, he joins a new military unit formed in the early moments of the First World War to transport - by rail, of course - supplies through the war zone. But although the mystery element is introduced in the first few paragraphs, a foreshadowing of murder and even treason, the next 50 pages take the story only to a seaside training ground.

Odd bits of writing conceit, such as the inclusion of at least one (it seems like) parenthetical thought on each page, are distracting as well. The whodunit does eventually take shape, forged in the crucible of barbed-wire battlefields. And the characters, from rough-hewn farmboys to would-be philosophers, all thrust to the front for various reasons, speak naturally and act believably. Unfortunately, despite the well-drawn settings and people, the story really never gets on track.


Thalassaemia is part of a family of genetic conditions affecting the blood known as haemoglobin disorders.

Haemoglobin is a substance in the red blood cells that carries oxygen and a lack of it triggers anemia, leaving patients very weak, short of breath and pale.

The most severe type of the condition is typically inherited when both parents are carriers. Those patients often require regular blood transfusions - about 450 of the UAE's 2,000 thalassaemia patients - though frequent transfusions can lead to too much iron in the body and heart and liver problems.

The condition mainly affects people of Mediterranean, South Asian, South-East Asian and Middle Eastern origin. Saudi Arabia recorded 45,892 cases of carriers between 2004 and 2014.

A World Health Organisation study estimated that globally there are at least 950,000 'new carrier couples' every year and annually there are 1.33 million at-risk pregnancies.
