"The trick is to give readers what they want but never in the way they expect it," says Jasper Fforde.
"The trick is to give readers what they want but never in the way they expect it," says Jasper Fforde.

Jasper Fforde: Shades of play

Jasper Fforde likes his cultural references. His previous books have chased Charles Dickens's characters in and out of their stories and featured a journalist called Goldilocks. So it's no surprise to find that his new novel, set in a post-catastrophe world, has a reference to the Simply Red song Something Got Me Started as early as page two. It's rather apt, then, that we meet at the Malmaison Hotel in Manchester, which was partially funded by Simply Red's Mick Hucknall.

I presume that Fforde chose the hotel deliberately, but he feigns ignorance. "Really?" says the eccentrically loveable British author. "I honestly had no idea. But how absolutely brilliant. Wonderful!" Fforde loves little quirks like this. He's made a career from them, in the end. After working behind the scenes in the film industry on the likes of The Mask of Zorro and GoldenEye, he released his first book in 2001. The Eyre Affair is a playful literary detective story. So entertaining were the exploits of its hero, Thursday Next, as she searched for the kidnapper of Jane Eyre, that it spiralled into what is now a five-book series.

But Fforde's limitless imagination wasn't sated; indeed, such success encouraged him to write the Nursery Crime series, another Ffordian alternate reality that begins when Humpty Dumpty is found slumped at the bottom of the wall. But his new book, Shades of Grey, is something altogether different. For the first time, his own characters populate the story; he's not relying on the collective cultural experience to power the narrative.

"Apart from that Simply Red bit," he smiles. "But you're right. Shades of Grey doesn't relate to any piece of work that was already in my head. The previous seven books have all, essentially, been about taking things out of context, messing around with them, and making something new, exciting and dynamic. Now, I hope that's a good technique, but I realised it does really annoy me when I see these comedic pastiches of films on sketch shows or whatever. I mean, it is funny, but it relates to something else that someone else has already written. So I decided to do something different, get away from my comfort zone."

So in a sense, Shades of Grey is Fforde's bid to be taken seriously as a writer. Well, not that seriously. He writes comic fantasy, after all. But this book, which will also form the first of a series, is an ambitious undertaking simply because of its high concept. In his strangely polite world, set "at least two world orders into the future" after the mysterious event known simply as "the something that happened", people see their life in different colours. And social strata is based not on money or intellect, but upon which colour you can see. So the purples are at the top of the pile, reds nearer the bottom, and the poor old greys are worthless. Colour is a commodity, a medicine, even, administered by chromaticologists.

Amid all this, young Eddie Russett (and you can guess which colour he is) is sent to a village to learn some humility, in typical Fforde style, by conducting a pointless chair census. There he meets a plucky "grey" girl called Jane, and falls for her despite her colour - and the fact he has a bride in waiting. Their relationship triggers a chain of events that leads Eddie to question the strange, rule-bound world they live in. It's a coming-of-age-journey-meets-rom-com-meets-dystopian-fantasy. And it's great fun, a combination of Brave New World and 1984 played for laughs.

"I'd written a short story years ago about a man painting a black and white world with synthetic colours," says Fforde. "And it was an alluring idea because the incredibly abstract, counter-intuitive and bizarre notion of colour is that it doesn't exist. It's the product of the mind and the mind alone. And that's wonderful. "Go on," he laughs, "try and explain to me what red is." I grapple manfully with some idea of primary colour recalled from primary school, and give up.

"See!" says Fforde with some glee. "It was that nebulous idea that I liked. Take this entirely abstract notion and promote it to the most important part of a society: how we group ourselves." All of which means that although Eddie is caught up in a love story, Shades of Grey can be read as a political satire, too. Fforde admits that the colours are based on the British class system, where the purples are the dukes and the greys are the scullery maids. That's why, although it is set in the future, it has the feel of a Victorian or Edwardian drama.

"Although I've created this complicated new class structure, once you start populating it and allowing human beings to do the things they do, it all starts looking dismayingly familiar," he says. "There are swathes in there about the marriage market, which is very big in Eddie's world and was similarly prevalent in pre-Victorian times - and in Jane Austen." It's also a very well-mannered society - at least at the outset. Of course, it's a dramatic device to encourage our hero to break the rules, but there is the sense that Fforde was also keen to explore why our current world has become perhaps more obsessive and controlling than even the paternalistic times of the 17th and 18th centuries.

"The world of Shades of Grey is a bit like Eton run by the Khmer Rouge in terms of all the rules, regulations and merits, and how you can snitch on people for extra merits. It is a little jab towards the modern way of doing things. It seems if we want to alter people's moral behaviour, we legislate because we want things to change fast rather than slow." Fforde is pragmatic about his work - almost to a fault in that he can unintentionally seem prosaic about how he approaches it (he tells me how many words he can write in a month). But the words of one Shades of Grey review have stuck with him: that his writing has always had a kind of pleasant implausibility.

"I think that sums it up," he says amiably. "When somebody tells me an astonishing story these days, one that I know is an urban myth, I kind of feel it's actually nicer to believe in it. People tell lies all the time but we don't constantly tell them they're lying, do we? It's the same with conspiracy theories, these wonderful, implausible stories that are at the same time hugely enjoyable because humans love stories more than anything else. We're social animals and communicators.

"The best time you can ever have, I think, is around the dinner table with eight or so of your friends, telling each other stories. It's why people like me can earn money!" Ever the genial raconteur, Fforde says his hard-won writing career (he had 76 rejections before the publishers Hodder fell for The Eyre Affair) comes simply from an abhorrence of boring books. In fact, he's slightly concerned that Shades of Grey starts off slowly. It's certainly a departure from the Thursday Next or the Nursery Crime series, where, as he puts it, it's "bang bang bang, lots of subplots and we're away". But this time, he's having to create a rich and complex new world - and get enough people to love it that he can write the next in the series.

It's likely that he will, simply because his loyal fan base will lap up anything Fforde does. His online presence helps: his website is certainly detailed and generous, with each book dissected in huge detail. Cleverly, this makes his worlds work beyond the page, and makes the readers not just enjoy the books but feel a part of them. "It's wonderful to have a regular readership, and I'm really committed to them," Fforde says. "I think the trick is to give them what they want but never in the way they expect it. For example, when I wrote the follow-up to The Eyre Affair, I think people were fully expecting me to come up with the same book again, about Pride & Prejudice or something. But instead I went off on a tangent and created the book world concept [a complex place akin to the behind-the-scenes area of a book where its characters live] and made observations about boy bands.

"I write series, but they're inventive rather than formulaic, I hope. And all my books are the kind, I think, that when you get them, you really get them. I think the kinds of people who do find themselves reading my books are probably interested in the same sorts of things as me, the celebration of human 'stuff' and all the bizarre things we get up to. People take that sort of writing to heart." That's probably the key to Fforde's success. Because despite all the puns, the whimsy, the slightly geeky attention to detail, his books have a beating heart and humanity to them. The rom-com element of Shades of Grey is touching in the end: as a red, Eddie has authority over the grey Jane. But he doesn't want power over her. He wants her to respect and love him. Every scene makes this clear, but every scene is tortuous as Eddie makes more and more of a fool of himself. "You have to have romance and humour in a book," laughs Fforde.

The happy-go-lucky nature of Shades of Grey, despite the darker moments, steers a book about colour away from being a book about race. Fforde admits that it was a risk because colour is such an emotive subject, which is why he is so keen to stress again that the British class system was his inspiration. "It really isn't a novel about race. It's about human division," he says, serious for perhaps the first time since we talked about Simply Red. "The weird thing is, we know where we fit. I would feel as awkward in a room full of dukes as I would in a traveller's encampment because of my notion of who I am. But of course there would be people who could speak to both with no problem at all."

So what colour would Fforde be? "Well, artists and actors are oranges. They're out on the periphery, and you really wouldn't want them to be in control." Fforde may not be prime minister material, then, but living in one of his weird and wonderful worlds for a few days is highly recommended.


1.30pm Handicap (PA) Dh50,000 (Dirt) 1,400m

Winner Al Suhooj, Saif Al Balushi (jockey), Khalifa Al Neyadi (trainer)

2pm Handicap (TB) 68,000 (D) 1,950m

Winner Miracle Maker, Xavier Ziani, Salem bin Ghadayer

2.30pm Maiden (TB) Dh60,000 (D) 1,600m

Winner Mazagran, Tadhg O’Shea, Satish Seemar

3pm Handicap (TB) Dh84,000 (D) 1,800m

Winner Tailor’s Row, Royston Ffrench, Salem bin Ghadayer

3.30pm Handicap (TB) Dh76,000 (D) 1,400m

Winner Alla Mahlak, Adrie de Vries, Rashed Bouresly

4pm Maiden (TB) Dh60,000 (D) 1,200m

Winner Hurry Up, Royston Ffrench, Salem bin Ghadayer

4.30pm Handicap (TB) Dh68,000 (D) 1,200m

School counsellors on mental well-being

Schools counsellors in Abu Dhabi have put a number of provisions in place to help support pupils returning to the classroom next week.

Many children will resume in-person lessons for the first time in 10 months and parents previously raised concerns about the long-term effects of distance learning.

Schools leaders and counsellors said extra support will be offered to anyone that needs it. Additionally, heads of years will be on hand to offer advice or coping mechanisms to ease any concerns.

“Anxiety this time round has really spiralled, more so than from the first lockdown at the beginning of the pandemic,” said Priya Mitchell, counsellor at The British School Al Khubairat in Abu Dhabi.

“Some have got used to being at home don’t want to go back, while others are desperate to get back.

“We have seen an increase in depressive symptoms, especially with older pupils, and self-harm is starting younger.

“It is worrying and has taught us how important it is that we prioritise mental well-being.”

Ms Mitchell said she was liaising more with heads of year so they can support and offer advice to pupils if the demand is there.

The school will also carry out mental well-being checks so they can pick up on any behavioural patterns and put interventions in place to help pupils.

At Raha International School, the well-being team has provided parents with assessment surveys to see how they can support students at home to transition back to school.

“They have created a Well-being Resource Bank that parents have access to on information on various domains of mental health for students and families,” a team member said.

“Our pastoral team have been working with students to help ease the transition and reduce anxiety that [pupils] may experience after some have been nearly a year off campus.

"Special secondary tutorial classes have also focused on preparing students for their return; going over new guidelines, expectations and daily schedules.”


Pay varies significantly depending on the school, its rating and the curriculum. Here's a rough guide as of January 2021:

- top end schools tend to pay Dh16,000-17,000 a month - plus a monthly housing allowance of up to Dh6,000. These tend to be British curriculum schools rated 'outstanding' or 'very good', followed by American schools

- average salary across curriculums and skill levels is about Dh10,000, recruiters say

- it is becoming more common for schools to provide accommodation, sometimes in an apartment block with other teachers, rather than hand teachers a cash housing allowance

- some strong performing schools have cut back on salaries since the pandemic began, sometimes offering Dh16,000 including the housing allowance, which reflects the slump in rental costs, and sheer demand for jobs

- maths and science teachers are most in demand and some schools will pay up to Dh3,000 more than other teachers in recognition of their technical skills

- at the other end of the market, teachers in some Indian schools, where fees are lower and competition among applicants is intense, can be paid as low as Dh3,000 per month

- in Indian schools, it has also become common for teachers to share residential accommodation, living in a block with colleagues


Ali Khaseif, Mohammed Al Shamsi, Fahad Al Dhanhani, Khalid Essa, Bandar Al Ahbabi, Salem Rashid, Shaheen Abdulrahman, Khalifa Al Hammadi, Mohammed Al Attas, Walid Abbas, Hassan Al Mahrami, Mahmoud Khamis, Alhassan Saleh, Ali Salmeen, Yahia Nader, Abdullah Ramadan, Majed Hassan, Abdullah Al Naqbi, Fabio De Lima, Khalil Al Hammadi, Khalfan Mubarak, Tahnoun Al Zaabi, Muhammed Jumah, Yahya Al Ghassani, Caio Canedo, Ali Mabkhout, Sebastian Tagliabue, Zayed Al Ameri


6.30pm: Handicap (TB) $68,000 (Dirt) 1,600m

7.05pm: Meydan Sprint – Group 2 (TB) $163,000 (Turf) 1,000m

7.40pm: Curlin Stakes – Listed Handicap (TB) $88,000 (D) 2,200m

8.15pm: UAE Oaks – Group 3 (TB) $125,000 (D) 1,900m

8.50pm: Zabeel Mile – Group 2 (TB) $163,000 (T) 1,600m

9.25pm: Balanchine – Group 2 (TB) $163,000 (T) 1,800m

10pm: Al Shindagha Sprint – Group 3 (TB) $130,000 (D) 1,200m


1. Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) 1hr 32mins 03.897sec

2. Max Verstappen (Red Bull-Honda) at 0.745s

3. Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) 37.383s

4. Lando Norris (McLaren) 46.466s

5.Sergio Perez (Red Bull-Honda) 52.047s

6. Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) 59.090s

7. Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren) 1:06.004

8. Carlos Sainz Jr (Ferrari) 1:07.100

9. Yuki Tsunoda (AlphaTauri-Honda) 1:25.692

10. Lance Stroll (Aston Martin-Mercedes) 1:26.713,


AC Milan v Inter, Sunday, 6pm (UAE), match live on BeIN Sports

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying or online bullying could take many forms such as sending unkind or rude messages to someone, socially isolating people from groups, sharing embarrassing pictures of them, or spreading rumors about them.

Cyberbullying can take place on various platforms such as messages, on social media, on group chats, or games.

Parents should watch out for behavioural changes in their children.

When children are being bullied they they may be feel embarrassed and isolated, so parents should watch out for signs of signs of depression and anxiety

Race card

5pm: Handicap (PA) Dh80,000 (Turf) 1,600m; 5.30pm: Maiden (PA) Dh80,000 (T) 1,400m

6pm: Handicap (PA) Dh80,000 (T) 1,400m; 6.30pm: Handicap (PA) Dh80,000 (T) 1,200m

7pm: Wathba Stallions Cup Handicap (PA) Dh70,000 (T) 2,200m

7.30pm: Handicap (TB) Dh100,000 (PA) 1,400m


(All games 4-3pm kick UAE time) Bayern Munich v Augsburg, Borussia Dortmund v Bayer Leverkusen, Hoffenheim v Hertha Berlin, Wolfsburg v Mainz , Eintracht Frankfurt v Freiburg, Union Berlin v RB Leipzig, Cologne v Schalke , Werder Bremen v Borussia Monchengladbach, Stuttgart v Arminia Bielefeld

Women’s T20 World Cup Asia Qualifier

ICC Academy, November 22-28

UAE fixtures
Nov 22, v Malaysia
Nov 23, v Hong Kong
Nov 25, v Bhutan
Nov 26, v Kuwait
Nov 28, v Nepal

ICC T20I rankings
14. Nepal
17. UAE
25. Hong Kong
34. Kuwait
35. Malaysia
44. Bhutan 

UAE squad
Chaya Mughal (captain), Natasha Cherriath, Samaira Dharnidharka, Kavisha Egodage, Mahika Gaur, Priyanjali Jain, Suraksha Kotte, Vaishnave Mahesh, Judit Peter, Esha Rohit, Theertha Satish, Chamani Seneviratne, Khushi Sharma, Subha Venkataraman

The Perfect Couple

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Jack Reynor

Creator: Jenna Lamia

Rating: 3/5


Total votes: 1.8 million

Ashraf Ghani: 923,592 votes

Abdullah Abdullah: 720,841 votes 


Starring: Bruce Willis, Toni Collette, Hayley Joel Osment

Director: M. Night Shyamalan

Rating: 5/5

'Top Gun: Maverick'

Rating: 4/5


Directed by: Joseph Kosinski


Starring: Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Miles Teller, Glen Powell, Ed Harris

The Buckingham Murders

Starring: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ash Tandon, Prabhleen Sandhu

Director: Hansal Mehta

Rating: 4 / 5

Our family matters legal consultant

Name: Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants.

Greatest of All Time
Starring: Vijay, Sneha, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Mohan
Director: Venkat Prabhu
Rating: 2/5

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